July 22, Ocean Road Home Wedding, Narragansett Seth Jacobson Photography (click or tap any image to enlarge)
Archives for March 2017
Leslie Sacchetti and Joshua Appel
August 26, Newport Regatta Place Kristin Spencer Photography (click or tap any image to enlarge)
Tara Reiff and Joshua Blair
July 28, Kinney Bungalow at Sunset Farms Susan Sancomb Photography (click or tap any image to enlarge)
Brianna Scalera and Thomas Bienkiewicz
September 15, South Ferry Church and Narragansett Towers Seth Jacobson Photography (click or tap any image to enlarge)
Caitlin Brainerd and Rich Gasparian
June 1, Belle Mer, Newport Erik Mysliwy – Elm Street Images LLC (click or tap any image to enlarge)
Janelle Geaber and Brandyn Morelli
June, South Ferry Church and Belle Mer Island House Seth Jacobson Photography (click or tap any image to enlarge)